Writing About Whatever You Want

Or… Why I don’t follow the majority of the writing advice that I have read on Medium

3 min readAug 8, 2023


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

There are many published articles on Medium about being a successful writer on Medium — which translates to how to make make money.

They all say a similar line along: “Write what you know about — find a niche and stick with it.”

And they are good articles, with great advice, if that is what you are looking for.

I am going against the grain here, because I don’t think that I am looking for the same things out of Medium that other people are.

I am looking to write on a variety of topics, not a single topic, that is all.

I chose Medium to tap out my thoughts because there is an upside, I may get a small stipend for people that read my stories, which helps to offset the $5/month cost of the Medium membership.

If I am going to write and publish, why not do so for minimal cost?

It costs me nothing but my time, which I am already spending on writing — I may as well publish.

My Goals For Medium.com

