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The Subtly Confusing User Experience Of Medium

Or… Just some things that I have noticed whilst using Medium which makes me think everytime that I use the platform



Image by Author

After almost 2 years on Medium — I still have some cognitive mishaps when I am trying to click on the correct link to get things done.

The Pages

When referencing pages in this article — I am using the following nomenclature:

  1. The home page ( which shows you stories which may be of interest and has a sidebar menu system on the left
  2. The profile page ( which will be different for your username
  3. The article editor page ( — which is the page for this story which you won’t be able to see


To ensure that you are being fed what is most interest to you, you can tweak how Medium feeds you these articles, you can either:

  • Control your recommendations from the Editor Page, or
  • Refine recommendations from the Home page

Is there a difference? It goes to the same page — just…



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