Member-only story
Social Media — Manipulator or Manipulated
Or… The majority of people on social media are either trying to manipulate people or are being manipulated, neither of which is a good thing.
Just get off social media — it is just so bad for you — you are being drawn into a self fulfilling web which won’t make your life any better, won’t challenge your ways of thinking, and will just increase your anger and frustration in the world.
Social Media sites are designed to push you into one of those two camps — chances are you are in the manipulated camp
There Are Actually Three Parts Of Social Media
Social media does have some redeeming qualities going for it
…and I will say this in hushed tones…
There is information that social media provides that may not come out in any other way
and this is a good thing as it sheds light on what is happening in the world
…if you can find it amongst all of the other information…