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Roe v. Wade Should Be A Non-Issue
Or… This is not about whether you are pro-choice, or pro-life — what this is about is that it puts an unfair burden on the person that needs to carry the child — and this is not fair, and is not justice, and justice should serve all.
This is not about my opinion on abortion — it is about ensuring that responsibility is shared bewteen both partners of a sexual relationship that results in a pregnancy — rather than unfairly putting the burden on just the woman.
In a very small nutshell:
“The possible cost of any sexual relationships is than men are financially responsible for any child that comes of it, up to the age of 18 years.”
Simply Put
Men _MUST_ be held accountable and responsible for their part in the sexual relationship.
There are reasons (I shall not get into whether they are good reasons or bad reasons) for wanting to terminate a pregnancy — I am not here to debate the legality, the ethics, or morality of them. Nor am I here to debate whether they should be made available to women.
I think that there is a simpler way — and if this law was implemented — I am sure that Roe v. Wade would be a non-starter.