Don’t Blame the Game, Blame The Player

Or… Yes, I got it in the correct order, the player is in the wrong here

Aug 4, 2022
Image by Author :)

There is a common trope within society which I have heard frequently enough that concerns me:

“Don’t blame the game, blame the player.”

NO!!! I don’t have enough profanities in my vernacular to adequately articulate how wrong this is.

You have got to blame the player they know that the un-spoken rule of the game is:

“Oh well it is the game and I will play it until it no longer applies to me — then I ‘promise’ that I will do better.”

By playing the game, you accepted the rules, you knew it is wrong, unfair, unjust, or would hurt people yet you played — shame on you.

Fix the rules of the game or refuse to play.

118 words




Written by synapticloop

IT // Writer // 🫶 Got 30 seconds? Support my daughter's writing https://synapticloop.medium.com/piper-e0e565e266c7 🫶

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