Choosing The Write Tags [CXXIII]

Or… Attempting to get my work out there to as many people as possible

3 min readSep 17, 2022


Image by Author :)

Writing And Being Heard Are Different

I was noodling around some stories and I noticed that there were a few comments talking about what people should write — one person in particular was following the advice on writing about what they love.

The topic was ‘Perfume’ — apparently nobody reads about perfume.

So I dug up an old, yet interesting fact about perfume, whipped up a story — and here it is below — but that is not the most interesting thng…

When I went to publish the article — I had to choose the tags.

Screenshot by Author :)

You will notice above that perfume actually looks quite good — 3.4k — however, this is the number of stories that…




Written by synapticloop

IT // Writer // 🫶 Got 30 seconds? Support my daughter's writing https://synapticloop.medium.com/piper-e0e565e266c7 🫶

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